All FilmDev Recipes


Adox/Efke IR820 100 in Agfa Rodinal 1:100

1 hour (Stand developed)

Pre-soaked in plain water for 5 minutes. Agitate for first 30 seconds then t...

Ilford Delta 100 at 400 in Kodak D-76 1+1

16 minutes

Agitation first minute, than every third for 10 sec.

Kodak T-Max 400 in Kodak HC-110 1:31

5 minutes, 30 seconds

Agitate first minute, then 10 sec every 60 sec 20C

Ilford HP5+ 400 at 1600 in Agfa R09 One Shot 1+25

11 minutes at 21°C/69.8°F

First go at R09/Rodinal. Times taken from Massive Dev Chart. Reduced one ...

Rollei Retro 100 at 200 in Ilford ID11 1+3

16 minutes, 30 seconds

23 degrees, 30 second of constant agitation then 4 turns every 5 minutes. I t...
5714 recipes in total
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