All FilmDev Recipes


Foma Fomapan 100 in Agfa R09 One Shot 1:50

7 minutes

preasoaked for 2 mins. developed for 7 mins @20°c using JOBO processor, spee...

Fuji Neopan Acros 100 in Ilford ID11 1:1

10 minutes

20*C 10'00'' 0-1'+2x/1'

Kodak Tri-X 400 in Ilford ID11 1:1

7 minutes, 30 seconds

24*C 7'30'' 0-1'+4x/1'

Ilford HP5+ 400 in Foma W-17 Hydrofen 1:3

15 minutes, 30 seconds

22*C 15'30'' 0-1'+4x/4'

Adox/Efke CHS ART 25 in Ilford ID11 1:3

20 minutes

20*C 12'00'' 0-1'+4x/1'
5726 recipes in total
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