
Aurora Úa's profile


Aurora Úa

Member since

03 March 2014


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Recipes by Aurora Úa

Lucky Aerial Spy Film in HC-110 1+31

10 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F

Shot at 100 ISO in stead of 200. ThinThe developer was a little off I think.

ORWO NP15 25 in Kodak D-76 1+1

8 minutes, 45 seconds at 20°C/68.0°F

Agitation: 0-30 sec 2 x each 30 sec.

Foma Fomapan 100 in D-76 Stock

6 minutes at 21°C/69.8°F

Agitation 0-30 sec, then 3 x each minute.

ORWO NP27 400 at 100 in HC 110 1+31

10 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F

Agitation: 0-30 sec, then 3 inversions each minute.

Forte Fortepan 100 at 50 in HC 110 6 ml

50 minutes (Stand developed) at 20°C/68.0°F

6 ml HC 110 for 480 ml tank. 0-1 minute slow inversions, then 3 at 20 min an...
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ORWO NP15 in HC 110 and Rodinal 4 + 3

20 minutes (Stand developed) at 20°C/68.0°F

Agitation 0-1 minute, then 3 slow inversions at 10 min.
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Orwo NP27 in D-76 Stock

7 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F

Agitation 0-30 s, 3 inversions each minute.

Ilford HP5+ 400 at 800 in Kodak HC-110 1+63

15 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F

Agitaiton: 0-30 sec, then 3 x at 1, 4, 8, 11 min.
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Ilford Delta 3200 in Kodak HC-110 1+31

14 minutes, 30 seconds at 20°C/68.0°F

Add 2.5 ml Rodinal Agiation 0-30 sec, then 3 x at 1, 4, 9 , 14 min.
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ORWO NP15 in Kodak D-76 Stock

6 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F

Agitation 0-30 sec, then 3 x each minute.
31 recipes in total
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