All FilmDev Recipes


Kodak T-Max 100 in Rodinal 1:100

1 hour (Stand developed) at 21°C/69.8°F

Gentle agitation during the first 30 seconds, then 4 invertions at 30 minutes.

Foma Fomapan 400 at 200 in Foma Fomadon Excel 1:1

7 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F

It was very hot day in Poznań, and my developer was 24 C warm - so i decided ...

Foma Fomapan 100 in Agfa Rodinal 1:50

9 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F

Gentle turns for the first 30 seconds. 2 slow turns per minute.

Rollei Infrared 400 in Agfa Rodinal 1:25

5 minutes, 15 seconds at 20°C/68.0°F

375 ml of total solution 1:25 *360.6ml water + 14.4 Rodinal *Stop w...

Marinette M104 in EURO HC(HC110) 1:150

45 minutes (Stand developed) at 20°C/68.0°F

DILUTION "J" 1:150 Semi-Stand Development Total mix = 650ml 4ml of HC1...
5651 recipes in total
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