Recipes & dev times using Developer Ilford Microphen


Ilford Delta 400 in Ilford Microphen

Unspecified duration

10 secs agitation every minute

Kodak Tri-X 400 in Ilford Microphen

Unspecified duration

10 secs agitation every minute

Ilford HP5+ 400 in Ilford Microphen

Unspecified duration

10 secs agitation every minute

Ilford FP4+ 125 in Ilford Microphen

Unspecified duration

10 secs agitation every minute

Adox/Efke CHS ART 50 in Ilford Microphen

6 minutes

I guessed at 6 minutes as the only time I found for Microphen was for Adox CH...
180 recipes in total
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