Recipes & dev times using Developer Ilford Ilfosol 3


Fuji Neopan 1600 at 800 in Ilford Ilfosol 3 1:9

5 minutes

10 secs agitation every minute.

Ilford FP4+ 125 in Ilford Ilfosol 3 1+9

4 minutes

10'agitation @ first and 10'each min

Rollei Retro 100 in Ilford Ilfosol 3 1:9

5 minutes

24 degrees - agitated for 20 seconds, then inverted 3-4 times every minute.
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Ilford HP5+ 400 in Ilford Ilfosol 3 1:9

7 minutes

Earliest experiments with Ilfosol 3: moved to other dilutions later as this p...

Ilford Delta 400 in Ilford Ilfosol 3 1:9

7 minutes

Agitate for 20 seconds, then 3 gentle inversions every minute.
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195 recipes in total
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