Recipes & dev times using Developer Ilford Ilfosol 3


Kodak Tri-X 400 at 1600 in Ilford Ilfosol 3 1+14

24 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F

I then did a stop bath with just water for two minutes with continous slow a...

Kodak Tri-X 400 at 1600 in Ilford Ilfosol 3 1+14

24 minutes (Stand developed) at 20°C/68.0°F

Develop process: Continuous agitation for the first 60 sec, 5 sec agitation e...
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Kodak T-Max 400 at 1600 in Ilford Ilfosol 3 1+9

10 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F

Likely my last Ilfosol recipe, as I switched to LC29 meanwhile
By jac1nt on 01 September 2017

Kodak Tri-X 400 at 1600 in Ilford Ilfosol 3 1+9

14 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F

works pretty well

Ilford FP4+ 125 in Ilford Ilfosol 3 1+9

4 minutes, 25 seconds at 20°C/68.0°F

Very gentle agitate for first 30 secs. Then gently tip to left then right eve...
195 recipes in total
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