Recipes & dev times using Film Foma Fomapan 400


Foma Fomapan 400 in Kodak XTOL 1:1

Unspecified duration

Fomapan 400 in Xtol Stock solution - 10'agitation/min total time, i'd have to...

Foma Fomapan 400 at 800 in Agfa Rodinal 1:50

19 minutes

Fomapan 400 pushed to 800 and developed in Fomadon R09 NEW (basically Rodinal...

Foma Fomapan 400 at 200 in Agfa Rodinal 1:50

11 minutes

Note Film should be exposed at 250asa Initial 30 seconds agitation then 4 ge...
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Foma Fomapan 400 at 320 in Kodak XTOL

8 minutes, 15 seconds

35mm film Initial four inversions then four inversions every minute.
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239 recipes in total
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