Expired Ilford Pan 100 (2002) Dev notes: - 3-5 agitations in the beginni...
Recipes & dev times using Film Ilford Pan 100
Ilford Pan 100 in Ilford ID11 1+0
8 minutes, 30 seconds at 20°C/68.0°F
agitate 4 times every 30sec 20/12/03 KTD#005
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Ilford Pan 100 in Ilford Ilfotec DD-X 1+4
9 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F
Ilford Pan 100 in Ilford ID11 1+0
8 minutes, 30 seconds at 20°C/68.0°F
agitate 4 times every 30s. ID-11 made on 19th Sep. 20/10/17 KTD#004
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Ilford Pan 100 in Ilford ID11 1+0
8 minutes, 55 seconds at 20°C/68.0°F
I made the developer almost a month then I add 10% time. agitate 4 times eve...
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