soda 20,4 gr. (waterfree) vitaminC 12,75 gr. iodised salt 18 gr. Instant c...
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Ilford Delta 400 at 1600 in Ilford Ilfotec DD-X 1+4
13 minutes, 30 seconds at 20°C/68.0°F
Ilford Pan 400 at 1600 in Foma Fomadon Excel stock
17 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F
Ilford Delta 400 at 1600 in Ilford Ilfotec DD-X 1+4
13 minutes, 30 seconds at 20°C/68.0°F
Ilford HP5+ 400 at 800 in Ilford Ilfotec DD-X 1+4
10 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F