Ilford HP5 Plus 400 pushed to 1600 and developed in Fomadon R09 NEW (basically Rodinal) 1+50, 25 min, 20°C
By zgodzinski on 04 November 2009
Ilford HP5 Plus 400 pushed to 1600 and developed in Fomadon R09 NEW (basically Rodinal) 1+50, 25 min, 20°C
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MaMoFos At 11 December 2010
One minute of shaking at the beginning and then 10 seconds every minute until the end?:)
Dwarak Calayampundi At 01 April 2014
Hi lovely pictures and I shoot HP5+ as well and develop with rodinal and I am new to filim developing and processing one question as silly as it may sounds. You shoot HP5+ at 400 ASA and push it to 1600 ASA with the developement time is that right am I understanding this right.
sollymonster1 At 23 October 2019
this is a beautiful recipe! ill be trying this on my camping trip.