Presoak with distilled water for 1 minute. 5mL of Rodinal + 600mL of water...

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Recipes by kelly onassis
Ilford XP2 in Agfa Rodinal
1 hour (Stand developed) at 20°C/68.0°F
Kodak Panatomic-X in Kodak Microdol-X Stock
7 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F
Fuji Neopan Acros 100 in Kodak XTOL Stock
8 minutes at 20°C/68.0°F
Agitated for first 30 seconds, then for 10 seconds every minute after.
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Ilford Delta 400 in Ilford Ilfosol S 1:14
13 minutes, 30 seconds
Fuji Neopan Acros 100 in Kodak T-MAX 1:4
5 minutes, 30 seconds
Ilford HP5+ 400 in Kodak HC-110 1:31
5 minutes
Processed at 70(F). 9mL of HC-110 with 300mL of tap water. Agitation fo...
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Kodak HIE 25 at 50 in Kodak D-76 1:1
13 minutes
Ilford FP4+ 125 in Agfa Rodinal 1:25
9 minutes
Ilford SFX 200 in Kodak HC-110 1:31
13 minutes, 30 seconds
Ilford HP5+ 400 in Kodak HC-110 1:31
5 minutes
Pre-soaked for 1 minute in distilled water. Agitate first full minute and ...
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